
老铁   2023-02-23 19:40:33  来源:美食


【 sudden craving for卤鸭翅 but don't want to go outside due to the hot weather! So, I decided to make it at home and was surprised by the delicious outcome. It's simple, healthy, and hygienic, thanks to the use of fresh ingredients and homemade stock. By 追风的蒲公英】

【Materials needed】

-鸭翅 600g

-老汤 适量

-老抽 1茶匙

-盐 15g

-葱段 10g

-姜 10g

-八角 2个

-桂皮 1小段

-香叶 3片

-白糖 5g


1. Prepare the main ingredients.

2. Wash the duck wings and put them in a pot with water, add wine and slices of onion and ginger. Boil for 5 minutes.

3. Remove the duck wings from the pot and rinse with warm water. Set aside.

4. Place the duck wings in a pressure cooker, along with slices of onion, ginger, star anise, cloves, cinnamon stick, and soy sauce. Add a few eggs to the pot as well.

5. Close the lid and choose the "meat" setting on the pressure cooker for 35 minutes.

6. Once the program is finished, take out the duck wings and let them cool.

7. Serve and enjoy!


- If you don't have store-bought stock, you can still make delicious stock by freezing the leftovers from the cooking process. Just filter out the solids and keep the liquid in the fridge. You can use this stock in future recipes.




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